Fred Chong Rutherford
2 min readJul 24, 2017


Jared “The Kush” Kushner gave a public statement about his four meetings with Russian officials during the 2016 Presidential campaign and said, “I did not collude.”

Collusion means, “secret or illegal cooperation or conspiracy, especially in order to cheat or deceive others.”

After being informed of the definition of collusion, The Kush said, “Oh, THAT’S what that word means. Yeah, I totally colluded with them, then, yeah.”

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Less than a week after revealing he is battling brain cancer, Senator John McCain (R-AZ) said today he will return to Washington on Tuesday to vote on Trumpcare, the bill that will take health care away from millions of people.

I guess if McCain votes for the bill, he’s basically saying, “Health care can’t help me, why should it help you?”

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Have you done your part today? If not, take a moment to decide what to do, how you can help, and pitch in! Maybe pitching in for you means telling me I’m dumb, go for it! Whatever it is, make your time count!

Kushner confirms Russia meetings, says ‘all of my actions were proper’

McCain to return to Washington for health-care bill vote

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