Fred Chong Rutherford
2 min readApr 2, 2019


I think there’s two significant fallacies in this essay. The first is that Democrats is treated too broadly, which seems to encompass everything from Rachel Maddow to NPR to, presumably, a voting base and some politicians. This lack of specificity about which Democrats, in terms of any sense of statistical analysis, means that this is ultimately a discussion about the author’s imagination of how a group of people are behaving, based on some slim annecdotes.

But the biggest fallacy is the same one that CNN, MSNBC, Fox News, the New York Times, and any news outlet committed when they ran versions of the headline “MUELLER SAYS NO COLLUSION” on March 24, 2019. Namely, the confusion between a 300+ page report by Mueller and a 4 page memo that Attorney General William Barr wrote. The presumption seems to be that Barr is a neutral arbiter of information, and would feel a compulsion to speak honestly about the facts at hand. Barr specifically wrote a memo the previous year ruling out the possibility of obstruction of justice; it was this memo (among other things) that got Barr hired as Attorney General in the first place.

For whatever reason, essays like this avoid putting William Barr into his historic context. He worked in the Department of Justice during the Presidencies of Ronald Reagan and George H.W. Bush. As Attorney General, William Barr helped orchestrate a series of firing and pardons that helped both of those Presidents avoid consequences from the Iran/Contra scandal. He also, while Attorney General, actively supported investigation into Bill Clinton’s passport files, among other corrupt activities.

From my perspective, many people don’t have perspective on the depths of corruption that were involved with the Iran-Contra affair, nor do they have context on the people involved in the present tense. Even those in Congress, in both the House and Senate, who did have context offered a lackluster push back against his nomination.

To this end, it gets to the central point of all of this — that every day we allow these inequities, we continue the path of our Federal Government since Nixon, that we allow more and more criminality from Republicans in the Executive Branch, each time they’re in power, and then pretend that such a statement isn’t factual, but merely partisan.

It has to end. When Republicans voted to impeach Bill Clinton in the 90s, they did the right thing. The Senate trial also had a correct outcome; Clinton wasn’t removed from office, he was censured, and he lost his law license for a period of time for committing perjury. The bar set for the impeachment of Clinton was appropriately low.

It’s a bar that we’re well beyond, with both George W. Bush and now, as of this writing, Donald J. Trump.



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